being the blue-blooded
carolina girl that i am, i agreed to photograph a
wolfpack wedding in april against my better judgement...just kidding. :)
i met danette a few months ago at her
wolfpack club office in raleigh. danette is a loyal alumna as well, and so is her fiance', mitch (at least they're not dookies - no offense
blue devils, you'd talk the same trash about me, that doesn't mean we can't be friends!).
because i'm a versatile photographer and my
ultimate goal is to please my client, i stepped on the ncsu belltower grounds for the first time in my life with this sweet couple. danette laughed, mitch managed to enjoy himself while fighting off a common case of groom photography dread (and a cold), and i...well, i just prayed that none of my college buddies would ride down hillsborough street that afternoon and catch me in the red lands. i'm happy to report that we had a great session and we didn't stay on campus long at all! (still kidding...it was wonderful.)
congratulations to danette and mitch on your beautiful afternoon and your engagement. i had a blast galavanting around raleigh with you two! can't wait to do it again in the spring!